We don't know if you've heard, but if you're a regular visitor to this site or have seen the amazing promotions Netflix has been doing, The Umbrella Academy premiered today on the streaming platform and WE. ARE. HERE. FOR. IT. Literally.
The staff here at the Dark Horse offices also got to trot over to our local movie theater in downtown Milwaukie, Oregon and watch the first episode on the big screen. It was so incredible and fun, we can't wait to get home tonight finish the rest of the 10 episode series. Plus, our very own Dark Horse Direct Spaceboy got to partake in the festivities and wholeheartedly approves of his on-screen counterpart.
We took a few photos below and highly recommend you spend the weekend (or the day if you can swing it) binge watching every last breathtaking, lyrical, and awkwardly adorable moment.
You'll know it when you get there.
Cheers to the Weekend!
Your Friends at Dark Horse Direct