Exclusive: Berserk Bookends of Guts' Sword Get Manga Paint Makeover Display your Berserk manga collection in style. Dark Horse revealed...
Remnant II's World Stone Immortalized in New Dark Horse Collectible Get a sneak peak at Dark Horse's first Remnant II...
Dark Horse Reveals Incredible Horizon Forbidden West Aloy Statue [EXCLUSIVE] Dark Horse Direct Reveals $150 Meridian City Aloy Statue Based...
Celebrate 'Hellboy's 30th Anniversary With These Unique Collectibles You blinked and one of the most interesting superheroes ever created is...
Dark Horse Presents “Fallout” Figures Featuring Characters From the Hit Series In partnership with Amazon MGM Studios, three new PVC figures emerge...
Hellboy Gets 30th Anniversary Figure From Dark Horse Dark Horse celebrates 30 years of Hellboy with a brand-new highly detailed...
Sweepstakes closed! Winner has been contacted! Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Hellboy with an unbelievable sweepstakes! This year marks three decades...
New Master Chief Statue Celebrates Halo 2's 20th Anniversary Celebrate the anniversary of a beloved game with this killer statue....